It will be so good to make the turn out of this year and into the next, which sounds like I want to be rid of this year, and a little bit of me does. And yet, I also want to recognise the learning, the growth, the achievements, the love and the friendships that have nurtured me throughout this period.
There is a core principle for coaching others that I hold dear, which is, that you meet your coachee where they are, with what’s important to them, with what’s present for them and with what sense they are making of their situation. As I’ve worked with leaders, teams and organisations in this unprecedented year, holding this mindset has never been more important or yielded such rich rewards.
Why is this worthy of comment at this time? … well, what struck me in a conversation with valued colleagues this morning was a question … to what extent do we meet ourselves where we are at? If ever there has been a time for self-care, mindfulness and appreciation for our own moment, then it is now, balancing time spent in our here and now, whilst looking to the future. If we can stand in our own space and consider ourselves with kindness, love and understanding then perhaps we are more likely to be able to offer that support to others. To put our own oxygen mask on first, so to speak.
So, be thine own coach! These questions might be helpful…
- What is happening to me right now?
- What’s on my mind and what’s in my heart and body?
- Is there anything I know, or am aware of, that I’m not paying attention to or listening to?
- What’s my story today, that holds my experience from this year and my hopes for next?
Meet yourself where you are to bring yourself out of this year and into the next.